Saturday, October 11, 2008


they're shiny, they're pretty, they're expensive, they're status symbols.

Thanksgiving dinner.
As you may have been able to predict due to my previous post, a couple things about the event itself rubbed me the wrong way, but for the most part, it was more than a pleasure just to spend time with my huge family (my uncle with a really strong Jamaican accent was there today. totallyawesome.). To top it all off, we played a 14 person game of Mafia. iknowright?

Through the course of the night, two things got me thinking: I played this game with my little cousin where i looked through her yearbook and
guessed who her friends were based on just their mugs. Sad thing is, i got the majority of them right. Second, my other cousin got these beautiful diamond ear rings from her boyfriend. They were Beautiful. I saw them myself.

before i continue: i don't want people to take what comes next the wrong way. Both of these cousins, i absolutely love to death, and they are like... the most greatest-est people on the face of the planet. There's just a couple things that i've noticed we're not quite parallel in.

i looked at faces: It was so fun. I was going at lightning speed, my eyes barely hovering over each person's face before predicting a "yup!" or "HELL NO". To which my cousin would respond "she's my bee-eff-eff-ehll" or "DAMN STRAIGHT!". She was surprised with just how many i got correct. So was I. It's kinda weird that i was able to do this, and i also didn't really like that either. I began to notice patterns, right from the beginning of the people that she didn't associate herself with, and the ones she did. The rest was cake (with cream cheese icing. yummyums.). I don't think that this game would be quite as easy in reverse fashion, and that's something i take pride in. I am very conscious of the types of friends that i have, but my requirements, I try to keep disassociated from a person's mugshot. I'm gonna challenge my cousin to this game, and i'll get back to you guys when she fails.

shiny rocks: Before i get to saying that i'll probably never own a diamond watch, or diamond grillz (teehee.), i must say, they were damn nice. But the thing that got me thinking, is that with the help of the whole family, we spent a good thirty three minutes talking about them. Yes they're pretty, yes they're shiny, yes they're expensive, and we all adored them for that. But, i don't understand how some people can spend their lives chasing after these things. Spend their savings chasing after these things. Lose sight of what's really important chasing after these things. People chase, chase, chase, and when they finally make the catch they realize, "oh. it'sarock." Why do people put so much priority in the materials? in rocks? I've caught myself doing this more than once (not with diamonds. can you say, fivepiecesofexodia?). But i know that there's many things that are more important, and for fear of falling into a chase, i veer away.

Everyone chases after their diamonds. I've already found my diamonds, but they're living and breathing (andtheyknowwhotheyare).


This was composed while listening to: I Just Want You - AJ. Rafael. (he's awesome)


imakeascene said...

she will not know i am your friend, seeing as im black as the night.

Unknown said...

14-person game of mafia. hellz yeah.

I totally didn't see the sweet ending, you big suck. Lay off the [cream] cheese!

Zephy said...

aww jub that was nice of you :D
I like (my) diamonds too~

ps. yes, fivepiecesofexodia, ftw

s said...

i'd like another helping of some cream cheese
you "ROCK"(HAHA!), jub =D
keeep the blogs coming!

Anonymous said...

european diamonds