Monday, December 22, 2008


For the thousandth time.
Sorry to the bunch of you who already know the story.

A couple of weeks back i had just returned home from a long wrestling meet at which i had busted my lip, got my ass thrown all over the mat and stubbed my toe quite hard on a moronically placed step (it was probably actually me who was the moron for kicking it. badjustin.). Furthermore, on the bus ride home, i was subjected to long rants from a person who will remain unnamed about their various ex-girlfriends who (sorry, but it's true. mybad.) probably do not exist and therefore do not interest me. That on its own really wouldn't have bothered me that much, but having already had a pretty bad day, and being tired as hell, requiring vast amounts of shut-eye... iwaslivid.

When i parked my unreliable car on the driveway, i realized that one of the others was gone. And so i assumed that one of my parents were out. I was half right. I quickly realized due to the lack of delicious scents wafting my way from the kitchen, computerized gunshots and dramatic voices announcing a KILLING SPREE, that both of my parents happened to be absent. The first thoughts that went through my mind were:
Fortunately, i am quite a trooper and i survived without them (i ate cereal for dinner. notacook.).

I guess i was too busy beating myself up for having done craptacularly at the tournament, or too involved in my game of dota to ask myself what exactly my parents were up to. In my mind they were just "out".

All of these things just kind of built up a quite down and depressed mood for me, and just as i was headed off to bed, my parents came in the door, with huge grins on their faces.

"Justin, we bought a car. Automatic, Mazda3sport."


Funny how a mood can just be torn to pieces in just a split seconds. I've had many moments like that before. I could be having the best of days; I just ate a cookie, i got up without feeling tired, the sun is shining... and then i get my math test back from last week. When that happens... everything else just falls away and that stupid test just consumes my mind.


I could be licking away at my rolo caramel chocolate swirl sugar cone, i'm watching an episode of DBY, Rainie is smiling away... and then i drop the stupid ice cream on the floor.

Bliss turns into pissy quite quickly, but apparently, as proven by that day, pissy can be reverted to bliss as well.


It took me about a full half minute to register that sentence in my mind. And even when i did, i heard it like this:


I was most definitely not expecting this surprise considering the crappy day i was having, but all those negative thoughts and worries were shredded up in an instant by this new arrival. After a bit of inquiry, i found out that my parents hadn't planned on buying the thing that day either. Musta been some really good salesman there, my father isn't easily swayed.

So i drove the car for the first time on monday. I tell you, for someone who's been driving a van that's as old as him (that's right, a 1991 Toyota Previa. mytrustyvan.), driving a decent car feels like you're floating on a flying nimbus cloud. Except this one had a gas pedal. It's a shame though, that the shiny, shiny exterior got all caked in slush and dirt. damnyouwinter.

I was originally gonna throw this post up the day after the news, but my dad had this great idea; that he wouldn't tell my sister or brother about the car, and let them find out themselves when they go into the garage. So, for fear of one of the two stumbling upon this little post and ruining the whole shabam, i just waited.

You should have seen their faces when they saw the car. Neither of them had a look of surprise like you'd expect, but more one of confusion. One that said "what the hell is that thing doing in our garage? but ohh... it's sexy."


Song: Shut up and Drive - Rihanna


Bradrian said...

you got soranno-ed, didn't you
poor guy
but dude

JJJJ9! said...

J9 wantsa ride.