Monday, September 21, 2009



Chem is my least favourite subject.
Every time a go to a lecture, there's about one or two slides that i can actually say i'm interested in, but in the sea of hundreds of slides, that's not a very impressive number.

Not to mention that i'm convinced the prof is TRYING to put me/the rest of the class to sleep. I mean really now... do you HAVE to read out the equation that you just put up on the projector? Every single variable and subscript? We can read thank you very much, your redundancy is not in the least bit constructive.

I wonder if i've grown to detest chem as a result of the experiences in chem i've had over the past two years because of a certain two teachers *ahem*. It's possible. Or maybe, as i continue to pursue the subject (not as a result of my own enthusiasm, i assure you) I just continuously discover the vast amount of information that i could never find interesting.

Buut, i'm getting through it... painfully slowly.

Oh no, i just realized that i'm already ranting about this course when i've only had four lectures/one tutorial.

I'm a university student now, be ready to hear me complain more and more :D


imakeascene said...

least fav sub hoorah.

ive already missed two classes...out of four.

Unknown said...

our chem lectures are going nowhere.
but we've been doing REDOX on our labs and tutorials I'm already so lost UGHHH