Wednesday, November 12, 2008


BBT times two.
i love em both.

There's something weird about the acronym "BBT". I only know of two things it refers to, but each of them is addictive beyond your wildest imaginations. Furthermore, the acronym itself is just ridiculously fun to say (try it, beebeetee.).

#1 Bubble Tea
- bbt (beebeetee)
No matter how much i get, it'll never be enough. Bubble tea is such a satisfying drink, but it always just leaves you wanting more. The worst thing about bubble tea... is that if you ever look at any bubble tea menu, there's always about three hundred and fifty seven different flavours to pick and choose from.
That's a lot of flavours. Then, for each of those flavours you could order it in green tea, black tea, milk tea, chiller, and so on. It's a system that's pretty much set up to inhale your money.

Unfortunately, my mind regularly falls victim to the allure of these masses of flavours. It's too bad that they're all incredible. It makes me keep trying and trying and TRYING new flavours. So, bubble tea is pretty much the height of temptation. Well for me anyways.

It's really not fair though, bubble tea shops always use the cheap shot. The drinks always come in those really really purrrty colours, and... well i just can't resist those. All this talk of bubble tea right now is making me thirsty (it's gonna put a dent in my savings. byebyepaycheck).

#2 Big Bang Theory - bbt (beebeetee)
ahahaha. Just thinking of the name makes me chuckle to myself. If you don't know, Big Bang Theory is a tv series sit com. The show is about two
extremely nerdy roommates living in an apartment and their adventures along with the attractive Penny across the hallway.

This show... it really hits the nail on the head with every joke. Honestly, the writers are geniouses. I'd say it's not an easy feat to make the doppler effect, derivitives, integrals and the quadratic formula into kneeslapping hoots. The BBT more than pulls off this amazing feat.

I'd say that 90% of the reason i find this show just oh so haha, is that i can relate with a lot of the moments that occur. From the blank stares of people after saying something I thought was common knowledge, to the blank stares of people as a result of me being socially inadequate, I admit it, i'm a nerd at heart.

Recently, i've taken on a dependence for this show. The word "awesome" doesn't do it justice. So take my word for it and give it a shot, you'll be amazed at how incredible it is, just watch.

BBT x 2
Now that i've talked about both of them, i just had a random thought: "How unbearably cool would it be to experience bbt and bbt at the same time. I can see it now, my feet up on the coffee table, with my really, really cozy blue blanket, a mixed tapioca taro black milk bubble tea in my left hand, the converter in my right, and Sheldon creating yet another awkward situation for me to laugh at... and learn from. And then i'd dramatically hold up my plastic cup to the air, as if performing a toast, but all alone. Finally, i'd dramatically call out to the heavens: "I LOVE BBT."

As seemingly random as this post may be, it actually does have a cause and a point. This weekend, i realized that i actually had a minimal amount of homework, a very scarce phenomenon as of late. So i decided that i would pick out the things that I really wanted to spend my time doing, so that i could really enjoy my time this weekend.

Now, the two bbts were actually on the list, but they came into consideration, and i decided to spew out a quick blog about them.

More importantly, i realized that it's really useful to know what the things you really enjoy are, because those are the things that make your days memorable for you. As time passes by, the only thing we have of our already spent days are memories, and i want to make sure i make the best ones possible.

I think, in my life, there's some things that i spend my time doing that aren't actually things that i enjoy, but are more just, part of a routine, or a pattern. I guess my goal now is to weed those out, and replace them with the things i've come to realize really make me glow.

Sadly, I haven't really gotten this mastered yet, but i'm on my way. heregoesnothin.


PS: if you rearrange the letters in bbt, you get "BtB" - Bob the builder, beeteebee =D

Song of the post: "Untouched" - The Veronicas (you have
to listen to this song)


Unknown said...

We need to go to BR soon. We haven't gone in a while. :D

imakeascene said...

bbt so funny.
taro so dutty.
ugh veronicas

VixenVin said...

a) i (L) bubble tea, thanks to all y'all azns.

b) BIG BANG THEORY OH MAN. sheldon is so sexy. ahahaha.

c)the veronicas are amazing. esp that song. did u know that theyre twins? from AUSTRALIA?! and they were on suite life of zack and cody. yeah i kinda stalk them :P.

Zephy said...

lol yay bbt :3
should try them other flavours.. so good