Friday, November 7, 2008


Scary stuff. Probably won't ever happen.
But what if it did?

Friday night. I just got back from buying presents for Kelly and Bianca. The drive home was really something else. The rain was coming down, not incredibly hard, but it wasn't just a dribble either. So of course, me being a new driver, i slowed down a little, braked earlier, signaled accordingly, and in general, drove safer. The same was not true for most of the other drivers on the road. Honestly, it's like whenever the bad weather comes out, so do the simultaneously agressive and unskilled drivers. People were cutting me off left-right-and-center, to the point where it wasn't just annoying, but unsafe. Some people really deserve to lose their licenses.

A couple minutes and curses later, I arrived safely and soundly in my driveway. Before i even reached the door, my mom thrusted it open, and threw a quick "Hey Justin!" at me before sprinting back to the comfy family room couch. After having known my mother for approximately seventeen years, and 5 or 6 months, i swiftly caught on to this undeniable sign language for "We just started a movie, get your shoes off and your butt on the couch". I obeyed.

"The Happening". I still can't decide whether or not i like it. No wait, that's a lie, i didn't actually like it. I ended up watching it just because I wanted to know how they could end such a movie. Needless to say, it was a great disappointment.

The basis of the movie is this: Plants are taking revenge on humans. They've spontaneously evolved to a state in which they can release deadly toxins that cause humans to commit suicide when they feel threatened. That's definitely some scary stuff. And, it would probably never happen, but that's one hell of an idea to think up.

Theoretically, it does make sense though. Throughout history, according to our modern scientists with their modern studies and knowledge, pretty much every species of life has adapted, evolved, digivolved when they were threatened. Turtles have shells for protection, snakes have deadly venom, even skunks have their own creative way of warding off enemies. Why not plants?

And plants are the species of life who arguably are in most need of such a defense. With the state of things, the human mentality to build, build, build, which pollutes, spoils, infects, plant life is diminishing like wildfire (literally and figuratively. ohmani'mfunny.).

Humans tend to dole out destruction without a second thought. Probably hundreds of thousands of trees are taken down in a day. But as soon as someone comes up with a story of the trees fighting back for one day, there's a hit movie made.

Of course, in reality our plants will likely never gain such a defensive mechanism. But is that really the measure necessary for people to stop polluting? Death? It's hard to get someone's attention. That's certainly one way of doing it. I'm pretty sure that if the plants did start to try and fight back, humans would be next to helpless. There's little to nothing we could do. (so keep this in mind. don'tkillthegreenies.).


Ranted while listening to: Dai Wo Zou - Rainie Yang


Unknown said...

That'd be cool if plants could think like that. I guess they can never adapt to actually attack humans 'cause we're not directly harming them. They could maybe adapt to the pollution, so they'd need less sun water or air.

For now, grab your gas masks and flamethrowers, gentlemen. We're having grilled veggies tonight.

Zephy said...

Having watched this movie also, I concur with you that this movie was really bad. (lol you said "no wait, I lied)
but what can you do.. maybe one day plants will eat us and us their furniture and buildings? :3
kinda scary

Bradrian said...

plants are funny.
if the plants we used for our germination labs weren't so scary lookin, i would agree...
but daaaamn, those things are intimidatin XD

goldenthunder said...

... Digivolve! LOL i didn't realize we were on the subject of Digimon