Sunday, November 23, 2008


Crippled paycheck plus Justin plus shopping trip...
is equal to disaster.

So i might have already blogged about a badly written paycheck that i received last month from my job... i'm not sure, and i'm too lazy to check. So bear with me kay?

Well, quite unfortunately, i recieved another check last week which was off by quite a large sum of hard earned dollars. In short, it really ticked me off. All modestly aside for a moment, i work my ass off at that place, i have to leave home 2 mins after i get home from school just to be at work on time, and then when everyone else has two guarding shifts, i have none. Not to mention the 5-7 year olds are almost all handed to me. They're pretty much the worst age group to teach. Finally, after i've finished my teaching, i'm expected to do chores around the pool, which take up about 40 mins and we're only paid 20 mins of. Nevertheless, i still make the place shine. By the time i get home, it's 9 pm.

I love my job. It's pretty fun most of the time, even with a lot of the shortcomings, but i do believe that i've earned my money, and i should really get every penny that i've earned. I think i deserve it. Therefore, i'll fight for it, however many dollars i'm missing. The thing is, i really hate begging for money.

Whether a friend owes me some money, or in a case like this, i am almost incapable of asking for money, even though i do deserve it. Something about begging for money just rubs me the wrong way. It makes me seem like a desperate hobo to my boss, and i would prefer to not be laballed as "the pool's hoBo."

Anyhow, i just cashed my check because i figured i would need the cash very soon . ie. in the states, where i'm going for this weekend. somewhere that you can obtain some moneys.

The bad part of going to detroit is that we're doing it soley for the shopping.

Shopping is quite difficult activity to take part in when one does not have any cash. I'm gonna try hard not to spend extensive amounts of money but i'm not sure if i can contain myself.

Listened to : Lucky - Jason Mraz


Bradrian said...

"It makes me seem like a desperate hobo to my boss, and i would prefer to not be laballed as "the pool's homo.""

is that a typo, or does being a hobo to ur boss make you a homo...

anyways, go get your freakin money man!

Unknown said...

there's a difference between begging for money and getting the money that you worked for.
it's not like they're keeping your money 'cause they're going bankrupt. it's just some mistake that can easily be solved.